Tuesday, April 30, 2019
PRINCIPLE OF NURSING PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PRINCIPLE OF NURSING PRACTICE - quiz ExampleNurses have to have a particular code from which to determine the correct way of help their uncomplainings. To reduce confusion, the Nursing and Midwifery Council created numerous principles that determine how all interactions between nurses and long-sufferings should be conducted. The principals established by the NMC argon meant to generate a pattern that allows health care workers to avoid issues that might stall patient treatment. There are different factors in the wider society as well as in the health care sector that affect nursing ethics. For instance, the reality of evolving and improving technical operations means that health workers forthver have to revise or add to the existing code of medical principles. Nurses are at the fore front of this development as they are the ones that administer the recommended treatments to patients. The situation becomes particularly complicated when they have to mention decisions concerning medical developments that have non yet been thoroughly researched or tested. It is true that a nursing emancipation does not necessarily confirm that a nurse will only engage in honorable nursing practices (OCarroll and Park 2007). This is why the NMC was created to underline the basic moral and ethical obligations that a practicing nurse is compelled to observe. Nurses are not only compelled to follow the guidelines of the NMC, but also the governments laws pertaining to the rights of their patients. Nurses can be held accountable for unethical actions by the government. Whenever nurses wangle ethical decisions that countermand some aspect of the governments rules, they can be held probable in a court of law (Griffiths and Tengnah 2008). There are some circumstances in which implementing the principles denoted by the NMC is difficult or impractical (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2008). For instance, as a student nurse, I observed that some doctors who have patients in the in tensifier care unit have to work under serious public press to preserve the lives of their patients while also remembering to observe the instructions of the patients family members. There was a patient of mine who was of a religious denomination that did not believe in blood transfusion. Even though my patient was in serious need of a blood transfusion, her family members refused to allow it. Soon was tension between the family members and patients doctors. At one point, one of the younger doctors suggested transfusing the patient while the nurses diverted the attention of the family members. While this was being badly considered, the patient began to show small signs of improvement. This averted what might have amounted to a breach of the Principle B which calls for nurses to make decisions on treatment after holding consultations with the patients family members because they can be held accountable for their actions. In the intensive care unit, the nursing ethical principle tha t is easier to apply is Principle C- ensuring that all risk to the patient is minimized in the course of administering treatment (Lawson and Peate 2009). In all that I do for my patients, or, as mentioned above, fall in with other medical practitioners in, I always strive to ensure that it is for the betterment of the patient. Most of the time, patients in the intensive care unit are completely dependent on their doctors and nurses. The medical practitioners tending to them are not only charged with prescribing the
Monday, April 29, 2019
Making Sense of the Size of the Universe Assignment
Making Sense of the surface of the Universe - Assignment ExampleThe 21st century man believes that he may have to piece the universe with otherwise beings in other planets. On the other hand, one who has not heard of the current discoveries would reckon he owns the universe thus, making him feel very special and significant.One does not think that the religious intellections and beliefs should be updated now that new discoveries are unearthed. Religion is a matter of faith. It should not be based on any scientific finding. Religion is ones relationship with God, the Supreme Being. flat if there are other beings in the universe, one must still believe and trust that he is special in Gods eyes. One may choose to believe that even the other beings in the other galaxies are also special to God. Christianity need not be updated because of these new discoveries because Christianity is not based on the number of planets, stars or galaxies. It is very hard, if not impossible to reconc ile science with religion. The brilliance of the universe cannot dictate upon any individual a change in faith. The universe, the stars, the galaxies are not the warmheartedness of ones existence. An individuals existence and significance is determined by his own view of life and his belief on the Creator who made him part of the
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Global virtual sales team Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global virtual gross revenue group up - Research Paper ExampleThey atomic number 18 functioning to better comprehend the competencies that defines their global leadership strengths. another(prenominal) challenge lies in the numerous strategies they are implementing. They are unsure which strategy would lead to successful outcomes in attempts to form global aggroups. Thus, it is a trial and error practice (Virtual teams, 2). The final challenge revolves around the trouble of getting those in remote areas engaged. Most remote areas cannot enable the installation of technologies that global teams purpose. Hence, people in the grassroots are constantly beingness left behind regarding virtual team recruitment and training. Accurate information from the rural areas has been rendered procedureless because it cannot be presented to the top management. The ultimate result is that investors withal some stakeholders cannot access the information. Recruitment and training of virtual tea ms can be d unmatchable using online advertisement. unrivaled can be recruited when he or she clicks on the website. Thereafter they are trained on how to use virtual tools like teleconferencing or video tapes. With each member of the virtual team being in a position to use virtual tools, they can easily be managed by record in and participation during virtual meetings. Enhancement in information technology eases data to easily emolument in virtual teams. This clapperclaw made it easy to train and educates virtual teams. For example, software for analytical insertion has made it easy for data to be easily availed (Sarah, 1). The software allows data to be presented instantly by using either the web or an intranet. This software also allows complex analyses to be calculated. This software is precise useful during recruitment and training of people within the virtual team. Sales in virtual teams are achieved by the use of telemarketing. With a sales team that is effective, evalu ating sales is made much easy. This is because the teams have be intimate on how to manage data related to sales despite their geographical location. This is done with constant cerebrate with the top managers. When to hold virtual meetings among virtual team is an open issue. This is because it depends on the team characteristics. This includes the nature of sales and so on. Virtual meetings can be held at least once a month. However, if there is an pressing issue that needs to be addressed the frequency increases... This is because there are a lot of uncertainties in the business environment which should be addressed as they arise (Marian, 2). Teleconferencing is one way in which virtual meetings can be held. Teleconferencing offers many advantages. One of them is that people participate regardless where one is. This means that travel expenses are not incurred. With efficient patternning, virtual meetings have turned to be successful. The use of video feeds to conduct virtual me etings is also useful. All these methods of virtual meetings need a proper plan to ensure that all succeeds. The same skills that are used in non virtual meetings are applicable in virtual meetings. This also demonstrates that conducting virtual meetings is such a simple task. The first and most important step when leading a virtual team is to adequately equip them with the desired tools and skills. Thereafter, building interaction among the team members would be necessary. The rights skills are useful in creating balance between the social skills and technology interface... As a
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The Representation of Masculinity in Die Hard 2 Essay
The Re insertion of Masculinity in lose it labored 2 - Essay ExampleIn Renny Harlins film Die terrible 2 (1990), masculinity has both physical and mental power over femininity. According to Carroll (2003, p.54) bum McLane, the Die Hard series principal character, is a prime example of masculine dominance, and studies in the film field catch up with specific forethought to the Herculean physical performances and spectacular body appearances of starring characters. Although heroes play important roles in many successful films, most of these fe priapic characters are known only in relation to the films staminate heroes, which is partly due to male domination in society. This paper will analyze the representation of masculinity in Die Hard 2, and incorporate arguments from work by Mulvey (1975), Neale (1983) and Tasker (2004). Die Hard 2 tells the horizontal surface of New York police officer, John McLane, played by Bruce Willis. The films opening scene takes get on Christmas Eve, when McLane visits his wife in Los Angeles (Gates 2006, p.35). McLane has what Rzepka and Horsley term unresolved issues (2010, p.89) consequently, he is not in good footing with his wife. When McLane arrives in Los Angeles, he finds his wife at an office Christmas party, and supposed political terrorists then invade the grammatical construction where the party is taking place. The film portrays McLanes heroic attempts to save his wife from these terrorists. In Die Hard 2, as in many action films, masculine characters possess virile physical prowess and flourish social dominance. Social dominance, in this case, is a term used to refer to the position that the said characters sustain in their spheres of influence as the main characters. This can be seen as in the case of John McLane, who is a police officer and his role in society qualifies to be dominant. Another important saying of masculine heroes in action films is their excessive aggression. Prior studies of Hollywoods films that primarily focus their attention on male characters characterize Die Hard 2 as a male-driven action film, with the presentation of the lead hero as a macho man (Milestone and Meyer 2012, p. 50). This is due to McLanes spectacular big businessman to wrestle his enemies, which is often a trait of the hero in male-driven films. This is due to the nature masochism in male characters in action films, where the characters are meant to be heroes with all the skill at making the evil characters let down to their knees. Carroll comments that the physical masculinity of an action hero gives a preferential tone for the action narrative, which refers to the progression of the masculine characters in film (2003, p.79). In Le Guin, (Goodwill 2009, p.13) it is found that audiences tend to accept male characters heroism in films, whereas they tend to find female heroism less acceptable. This is due to the social and pagan notion that males are physically and mentally stronger than fe males, thus making them heroes at the expense of female characters. Rzepka and Horsley fix masculinity in film as an opinion that a film-maker intends to deliver that involves physical prowess, sexual manliness and aggression (2010, p. 61). Gates argues that Die Hard 2 focuses on physicality the way that McLane is displayed as a hero forms a vital ingredient of a films visual effects (2006, p. 58). Similarly, Bould states that books on action heroes
Research about Government Expenditure in a country and then compare it Essay
Research about Government Expenditure in a country and therefore compare it to another country - Essay ExampleThis is managed by the central state and its ministries, regional and topical anesthetic authorities, separate public bodies and international organizations.The management of budget and finance is the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance and that of the Central trust that exercises control on its use and allocation. This is done through a legislated agreement whereby all revenues are deposited to a Central Bank and could be withdrawn only through a legislature.This study will localise on the impact of budgeting processes in the developing countries Sample steps of budget preparations to show how government outgo is planned and implemented will also be discussedThe television channel budgeting frame requires a listing of expenditures for the culmination year. These are itemized according to objects of expenditures and quite often detailed as to where the budget it em will be used for instance, how much money will be spent by the agency for personnel services, travel, maintenance, equipment and others. This system has been designed so that an agency will not overspend on their allocated budget for a limited item in a specified year. The advantage of the system is it is simple, easy to understand, expenses are controlled and expenditures are comparable with prior years.While this type of budget management is simple and easy, World Bank sees its limitations such that it should be reformed to cope with the advancement of a rapidly and technologically changing world. WB experts see that line budgeting offers no explanations where budget has been spent neither will it provide information on the programs implemented. It is absolutely-sighted, as it is programmed for short term, e.g. one year, and does not take into account long-term approach.Upon recognizing the limitations of line budget, another approach focused on performance basis was tried. This time, the activities of the agency is tied up with the budget. The basis of budget decisions depends on what
Friday, April 26, 2019
Alice A 3D Graphical Programming environmet to teach algorithm Essay
Alice A 3D Graphical Programming environmet to teach algorithm development and control structures - show ExampleGraphics and visualization helps students in understanding such internals. This paper is about use of an aerial graphics tool, namely Alice, to teach C++ program.The traditional method of teaching ready reckoner computer programming is to use crystallize room lessons (notes, presentations), in-class demonstrations and to accompany them with assignments. Most courses employ a programming language to illustrate coding, starting slay with a Hello World program written using that language. Then they move to programming concepts such as control structures, defraud data types, sorting and searching algorithms etc.The use of traditional retrospect maps (or sketches) to illustrate the internals of a program creates a confusing clutter of arrows and boxes on the board or extrusion screen (Dann 1). The result is that while students focus on understanding the maze of memor y maps, they fail to bound track of the concept of an disapprove. (1)A more modern approach to teach programming is to use a visual method which employs computer graphics. Such visual tools would readily animate the change of state and fashion offering immediate feedback to the students about the programs they write. Alice, developed by the Carnegie Mellon University, is one such tool.Alice is an open source programming environment offering a 3D interactive graphics interface. It is primarily a scripting and prototyping tool with an object oriented (OO) flavor. Users can program Alice using drag-and-drop based interface to animate objects in a practical(prenominal) world. Alice is a friendly programming environment for novice programmers offering actions, named instructions, functions, control structures and event-driven programming. The whole experience is super OO making the students think in terms of objects, properties and methods. The storyboarding and game programming con cepts, which most students are familiar, are assiduous to teach algorithmic thinking and designing. (Cooper, Alice, 3-4)(IV.) Why Alice will workProgramming needs abstract thinking. As stated by Booch, a pioneer in the OO approach, deciding upon the right set of abstractions for a condition domain is the central problem in object-oriented design (42) Abstraction needs students to be able to plan things. Further, understanding control structures, algorithms and applying them to solve programming problems need mental mappings by a student.Alice helps visualization of these programming constructs. It offloads the mental effort from the students cognitive system to his or her perceptual system (Dann et al, Learning to Program, Preface to Instructors). As a result, the programming concepts become more concretely visible rather than being more abstract in the minds of the students.Will a graphical environment such as Alice help students to understand algorithms and programming construct s such as sequence, selection and repetition Yes, the evidence proves so. In a study conducted over deuce years at Saint Josephs University and Ithaca College, it has been found that student performance and retention in programming courses and their attitudes towards computer science showed dramatic improvements (Moskal 5). Powers et al has also observed that Alice has been able to improve the
Thursday, April 25, 2019
IT for Investor Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
IT for Investor Relation - Essay ExampleIn the main, high technological utilization is recommended for the company.Founded in 1963 with its provide in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Comcast Corporation is a media and technology company that in diversity, in the entertainment industry. It functions under cable television service Networks, Filmed Entertainment, argumentation Communication, Theme position and Broadcast Television divisions. below the brand name XFINITY, the Cable Communication division provides business and residential customers with high-speed internet, on-line advertising, cellular backhaul, voice and video services. Under the names Illumination, Focus Features and Universal pictures, the Filmed Entertainment division engages in the acquisition, production, marketing and distribution of alert and live-action filmed entertainment. The division of Cable networks runs cable networks that provide news, sports, information and entertainment, both regional and internatio nal. The Theme Parks division runs island adventures, a dining retail, entertainment complex, studios and theme parks. Finally, the broadcast division controls Telemundo and NBC broadcast networks (Sander, Peter & Scott 143). tout ensemble the divisions own digital media properties.By 2013, it employed 13,600 full-time employees. By revenue, Comcast is the largest cable and broadcasting corporation. It ranks third in telephone service provision to the people of the United States. . By 2009, the value of the companys stocks had doubled from $8.19 to $15, with a revenue growth of six folds, $6 billion in 1999 to $36 billion in 2009. In the same period, the company experienced a tripling of return on capital. Its main competitors are Twenty-First Century Fox, The Walt Disney Corporation, CBS Corporation and Time Warner Cable (TWC). However, there is a yet to be pass takeover deal that Comcast signed with TWC in February 2014 (James & Flint, Comcast strikes deal). Competitors have o pposed the move,
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Servant Evangelism Report Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Servant Evangelism Report - Personal Statement modelingThe opportunity to assist the victims developed when I heard of the catastrophe that hit the Hurricane victims in some separate of the United States. The catastrophe left many people homeless and hopeless in life. I was adequate to shargon the gospel and my testimonies of life tribulation with the hurricane victims. Most of the victims were of the opinion that, God works in miscellaneous ways, in relation to my testimonies. According to James 214-20, there is certainly no act of integrity when a messiahian fails to assist an individual physically. Most of the victims ended up accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Consequently, faith without works is as impeachable as dead. The hurricane victims lost a lot, and all they ask was some form of comfort in psyche to talk to about their loss. Physical Assistance I managed to raise some money and bought a few blankets, clothes and some food that I donated to the victims. I felt the need to express faith in action by comforting the mourners. However, the mourners felt that someone still cared for them even after the worst experience. I explained to them that God worked in the same way, despite what they are going through God is still with them, and is using the experience as a test their faith. I encouraged them never to lose faith in Him and that this was their chance to give their lives to Christ. Most of them were for the idea of accepting Christ as their personal savior, and I consider my evangelism a success.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Public Service Announcement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public run Announcement - Assignment ExampleFor breast crab louse survivors, the PSA go forth be designed for them to pull off with life after the treatment.4. Define strategy. In order to meet the objective, the planning of the PSA pull up stakes spark off by a market research which will take note of the appropriate medium, presentation, and layout that can expeditiously attract the attention of the specific audition. The PSA will also be designed so that it will be understandable by everyone regardless of educational attainment, age, and background. The language will also be modify in order to take into account the difference on ethnicity and race in a single(a) locality.5. Define content. The program will be well-nigh the challenges faced by women who are currently undergoing and excite undergone treatment. The PSA will contain input from medical practitioners specializing in the field as well as breast cancer survivors who have successfully overcome post-treatment chang es.6. Define appropriate medium. Recognizing the need to discuss prolonged topic with the interest of a relatively few audience, the PSAs best medium will be a CD-ROM which can be given to the husband of women undergoing treatment and survivors who had completed their therapy. In this way, the PSA becomes to a greater extent targeted and can reach the intended audience. The format will be in the form of feature grade news which includes audio and visual and facilitated by a host.7. Create the concept. The PSA will be shown as a feature story which will start with the display of the organizers logo and its sponsors. The next scene will be an introduction given by the host. The next will be a series of interviews showing what to expect during treatment. The main speakers will be practitioners in the field of cancer treatments. The stories of patients who survive breast cancer will be shown next together with the struggle they have undergone. Lastly, the PSA will wrap-up with the ho st emphasizing main points and giving words of encouragement to the audience. PSA for children1. Define the communication problem. This public service declaration is to give a general view of cancer, its causes, and how it can be prevented.2. Define the target audience. The target audience will be children aged six to 13 years old. 3. Define objective. Since this PSA is targeted to a offspring audience, the general objective is to acquaint children of what breast cancer is, what causes it, and what they can do to prevent it. With this education about breast cancer at a young age, it is expected that children will exert effort in fighting and preventing its occurrence. 4. Define strategy. The knowledge that children are fond of cartoon characters, the content of the PSA will be delivered using their favorite cartoon friends. The PSA will also utilize language which can be easily understood and most appropriate for the audience. 5. Define content. The program will talk about the b asic principle of breast cancer, what is it, its causes, and preventive methods. The presentation will be colorful and entertaining in order to check the attention of children. As stated above,
Monday, April 22, 2019
Develop a new idea for existing company Term Paper
Develop a new theme for existing company - Term Paper ExampleUntil only recently the brand went through enlargement and introduced the Skin cargon produce range which now included lotion, cleansers, towelettes, make-up removers etc.Smooth and finespun cause wash go out be the solitary face wash related product crack in the companys portfolio of products. However, given ample time and growth, the company objects on expanding its line of face wash with more special purpose face washes instead of a one-for-all product.Well use penetration determine for Our Soft and Smooth face wash will cost $3.25. Another added advantage that well get is that it will complement our choice range as people who use face wash and care for their trim will also make lotion and cream purchases hence this strategy will benefit us in the longer run.Well use advertising in Magazines and place ads which clearly highlight features of the new product and its lower price with similar benefits to the compe titors. This would create a pull in the market.The promotion and publicity activities plan include a first time customers discount of 30% if purchased in the soft launch action zone. The product will be showcased at prominent malls in the metropolis along with banners, decoration, flash mob, generate hampers and other awareness-creating activities.Sales promotion will be initially used which will include offers the like giving small sample tubes & bottles in a package with the already well established cream and lotion range. Discounts will not be offered as the product is already lowered price to competitors term providing quality. If prices will be lowered than this then customers will doubt the quality,An indirect distribution channel will be used as we have to reach to masses and also our products are Shopping products which are usually sold by retailers at stores and shops as compared to specialty goods require direct
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Terry v Ohio Stop Question Frisk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Terry v Ohio Stop drumhead Frisk - Essay ExampleIn conducting a stop and romp, police officers are acting on a reasonable suspicion that either the officers or others are in danger of being harmed. In such circumstances, police officers may conduct a reasonable search of the individual for weapons. This investigatory creator exists independent of whether or not there is probable cause for affecting an arrest or whether or not the officers in question are entirely sure that the person is actually armed and formidable (Terry v Ohio 1968).The US Supreme Court defined the circumstances in which a stop, question and skylark would not exceed the boundaries of the Fourth Amendment. First, while warrants for search and seizure are the preferred way, there are times where police officers must act quickly and in such a case a stop and frisk may be appropriate. Secondly, the search and seizure must be reasonable in the circumstances and reasonableness is judged from the perspective of the reasonable man of caution (Terry v Ohio 1968). Thirdly, a stop and frisk is appropriate when the police officer in question is investigating a reasonably suspicious behavior. Fourthly, in such circumstances, if the police officer perceives that the individual acting suspiciously is armed, the officer may conduct a reasonable search to determine whether or not this is the case. Fifthly, where an officer is justified in searching/ lark about the individual for weapons, where there is no probable cause for arrest, the frisk must correspond with the circumstances of the case. Finally, in all circumstances where an officer reasonably fears that there is danger such an officer may raise an intrusion short of arrest (Terry v Ohio 1968).According to Stolarik (2013), the practice of stopping, questioning and frisking by raw York City Police has gotten out of control and there has been significant controversy over whether or not these practices are consistent with the protection against un reasonable search and seizure under
Saturday, April 20, 2019
What are the challenges posed in researching media audiences and how Essay
What are the challenges posed in researching media audiences and how contrive media and cultural studies researchers addressed them - Essay Exampleis considered as valuable by authors Morley and Barker who want the division of audience research to extend beyond what they term mere stories (Press, 2007 95).Audience Research Research on users of information systems, and the World Wide Web environment which combines the features of an information system with many potentially socialise visuals should be studied using the gratification theory. When there are a variety of different carry to choose from, our understanding of individuals selection as well as use demeanour may be enhanced, according to Iyer (1998 14).It is an accepted fact that television presents a distorted view of reality (Bryant Zillmann, 2002 69). Researchers, media critics, television executives, and the general public are interested in knowing whether the distortion has any outcome on people, and if so, why and to what extent. Over the past few decades there have been two persistent criticisms against media set up research one is that the evidence accumulated till date show very little indicator of media effects on peoples psyche, behaviour, etc, in spite of the myth of massive media impact. The fleck criticism of media effects research is that it has for the most part lacked any focus onBarker (2007 128) states that researchers matte the need for a fully elaborate audience research paradigm, and responded to it by developing the Uses and Gratifications Tradition. The virtues of this essay which has non yet been published, and the research that lay behind it, are the attempt to combine in a reciprocally informative way, a theoretical framework, working concepts, methods of enquiry, research implements and paradigmatic studies. Audience research in the join Kingdom, and consequently in the rest of Europe was conceived and constructed under Stuart Halls encoding-decoding model (Hall, S tuart, 1992 31 as quoted in Barker (2007 128). This model created a conceptualization of text-audience relations
Ethical Dilemmas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
respectable Dilemmas - Essay ExampleBesides, organizations are engaged in shifting their manufacturing facilities to developing countries as a greet cutting measure. However, such strategy of organizations has led towards the emergence of many ethical problems between the organizations and its stakeholders (Karake-Shalhoub, 1999). Ethical quandary is literally defined as a moral situation in which an individual has to make prize between two or more options. On the other hand, ethical dilemma in caper is said to be existing when the decision makers within the organizations are encountered with making choices amongst two alternatives that may crap a serious impact on the organizations profit earning capability and/or its stakeholders (Shata, 2013 Fernando, 2009). Correspondingly, this show intends to demonstrate an in-depth understanding and application of the ethical dimension of business decision making.In the given slip-up study, Omax which is a large home appliances company is faced with the radical need to cut its workforce as its one of the strategies to shift its manufacturing activities to developing countries. In a board meeting, senior management team depute jenny ass who is working as HR manager in the company with the task to downsize the procurement segment within the company. However, there are two individuals namely Alan and John who are currently working as procurement officers and are liable for sourcing suppliers. Unenviably, only one position is available within the procurement department corresponding to the downsizing strategy. Hence, Jenny is challenged with the choice to retain either Alan or John. Notably, off the job two Jenny and John are the members of book club and have formed friendship with each other. Besides, Jenny is also aware that John recently has a new born baby and realizes that the job would strategic for John and for his family. Now, Jenny is finding it difficult to make decision regarding the layoff. Jenny is unsure
Friday, April 19, 2019
Summary of article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary of - Article ExampleA rather shortsighted tendency exists where clubs look at the contracts as an easy source of revenue firearm clubs also go into the contracts as a tactic for marketing communication. The objective from both parties ought to be edifice relationships, acquisition and development of resources and strategy for networking. But many corporates as well as clubs have continue to view the sponsorship contracts as short-term hence failing to strategically evaluate the kind of contracts they go into. Corporates in most cases have tendencies of hurrying into contracts with clubs without proper negotiations, hence failing develop and manage the relationships. at that place is therefrom a need to proactively monitor the contracts on the side of sponsors especially, negotiate properly, enter the contracts for reasons more than just communication, adjudge rational decisions on the same and ultimately enter into relationships that add prise. With growth in value of sp onsorship programs non being questionable organizations must think broadly and consider the contracts as strategy, networking and relationship building avenues. There is a need to leave the short-term perspective of the transactions and embrace a long-term value approach in signing the sponsorship
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The effect friendships have on a child's development Essay
The effect friendships stick on a electric razors development - Essay ExampleHowever, like Roald Dahl writes beautifully in his celebrated book Matilda, friendship is non really confined to one or more persons. Children argon stirred easily by the totality of their external environments and this also thus concludes the various kinds of interactions that they undergo in public life. In Matilda, the young girl befriends her books due to the lack of people that she is able to communicate with. Her brother does not prove to be a good friend and neither do her parents, thus she takes to her books and finds that those books turn her into a very gifted individual full of faith and belief in the better things in life. He writes, Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, somebody like the kind, courageous people in her books. But it occurred to her that talking dragons and princesses with pig long enough to climb, such people would only exist in storybooks. (Dahl, Roald) this goes to show the kind of imply that the young girl had in her life for someone that would talk back to her and give her advice and listen to her small-minded whims and fancies as well. Children usually imitate whatever happens almost them and so if a parent sees his child overdoing something or doing things that are unusual of him, they may come to the conclusion that he must have picked it up from somewhere. At the young ages between three to about ten, the kind of friends that a child has makes a great summation of difference on his mind and health. These friends help to shape the childs character when the parents are not around and help to build a sense and level of confidence within the child. No child is able to communicate everything he or she wants to their parents, and thus, they sometimes find the comfort in doing so with their friends. intimately friends even listen and try to help if someone is in some kind of trouble, yet of cable this stage comes in later after further devel opment of the childs mind. Roald Dahl wrote a book called Matilda which was about a young girl born into the wrong family in the sense that she had slide fastener in common with her parents or brother. Matilda was very curious about the world and loved to read and bed more. She wanted to go to school and get educated and make friends. Both Matilda and Lavender were enthralled. It was quite build to them that they were at this moment standing in the presence of a master. Here was somebody who had brought the art of slip to the highest point of perfection, somebody, moreover, who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling. They gazed in wonder at this goddess, and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage.(Dahl, Roald) From these lines it is clear that Matilda had found a friend and confidante in Lavender and in doing so, they were well-provided in carrying out tasks that even they felt were wrong, however they did it anywa y because of a kind of backing that they had from to each one other. She could confide in Lavender and was sure that the latter would keep her secrets. This is how children get affected by their friends and are able to do things together with a better sense of confidence. Just by having someone around them helping them, they
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Business and Society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business and Society - Research Paper ExampleFrom then on, strategies should be developed in order to incorporate their participation in forming a coalition which can comprehend special assistance to the company in its entirety.Stake hairgriper analysis is particularly important because of the increasing interconnectivity nature of the world. non one crapper is fully in monopoly of one particular business because there atomic number 18 some(prenominal) other entities involved, all with their own interests and motives. In order to be successful as CEO, it is imperative to be able to identify the key stakeholders and take advantage of the scenario.Stakeholders have varying interests which argon dependent on their roles and relationship to the company. In identifying these roles, only then can a better understanding be founded on how to best manage them. There are two kinds of stakeholders the primary and the secondary stakeholders. By definition, the primary stakeholders, overly known as the market stakeholders, are the ones directly benefitting and/or affected by the performance of the corporation or a particular business activity (Akpinar, p. 52). These may include customers, employees, stockholders, creditors, suppliers, and basically anyone with financial and useful interest to the operation or business situation.The secondary stakeholders, who are in any case referred as non-market stakeholders, are individuals or groups which are not directly affected by the results or consequences of the company but still hold interest to the corporation. Such as these are the money-lending institutions, government agencies, the media, competitors, or even the general public. Secondary stakeholders are also important not only since they can also be primary stakeholders, too, but also because they influence the empowerment or the limitation of the capacity of the operations of the corporation.Like dominos, many individuals, groups, and other organizations are affect ed and involved with the actions of a company. Problems facing the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Oracle Corporation Essay Example for Free
seer Corporation EssayThe Central Intelligence Agency had discoverfit the project to build a commercial database coiffurement system for IBM mainframe computers and code-named it visionary. Software Development Laboratories took the illusionist name in 1982. After completion of the project, Ellison, Miner, Oates, and Scott had a vision of developing and distri buting their database software as a profitable business opportunity.From 1982 to 1986, oracle had achieved 100% growth. On March 15th, 1986, prophesier went public, ace day by and by Microsofts initial public offering. From 1986 to 1989, revenues skyrocketed from $55 million to $584 million, making it one of the largest independent software companies in the world, employing over 4,000 people in 24 countries. The prophet Corporations objective of becoming a profitable database software ships smart set had been achieved. Market and industry growth continued until the third quarter of 1990. Oracle suffered a $15 million dollar loss on $240 million in revenues.Between 1988 and 1991, in operation(p) margins had plummeted from 23 to 3 percent. During this time, the companys stock value likewise fell. Oracle responded by exclusivelyow go of 400 employees in the United States and reorganizing its senior management team. This business problem was the direct closure of something the company simply overlooked. As the company was focusing all of its energies on growth during the late 1980s, they were losing sofdeuceod of their internal operations and infrastructure. They also planned their expenses based on the 100% annual growth send they experienced in the prior years, causing them to lose money.In addition, they delayed the delivery of their latest product, which allowed the contest to draw closer to them. However, the release of their next product would see Oracle quickly rebound and device things back around. In July of 1991, Oracle was working on a new database software that had the ability to manage text, video, audio, and other data through a set of loosely connected servers.This database software was called Oracle 7, and was one of many IT solutions that would put Oracle ahead of the competition and save the company. 996 saw database gross gross sales grow by 20 percent and then to 10 percent in 1997, the year Microsoft released its rival SQL server, which was a cheaper pick database release with aspirations of stealing Oracles market share. During this time, Oracle attempted to expand beyond databases and entered into the two largest application software markets, enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management. Ellison saw this as a lucrative business opportunity, considering the fact that the ERP market was estimated at $20 billion in 1999 and projected to make pass $65 billion by 2003.The CRM market was estimated at $4 billion in 1999 and projected to go along $16 billion by 2003. Ellison recognized that chief operating officers wan ted to understand profitability per costumer and to be able to detect dissatisfaction before the customer leaves. He realized that ERP and CRM software would allow CEOs to do that by turning database information into knowledge about consumers. Ellisons vision of internet-enabled software began to take shape in 1999 with the release of Oracle8i. It was followed by internet-enabled versions of all the companys key software products.A key IS solution in the development of Oracle Corporation would be Oracle e-Business Suite, which would take a collection of ERP and CRM applications that automated many necessary business functions. This would be the beginning of the high blow IS solutions to follow. In June of 1999, Ellison declared that Oracle would attempt to save $1billion dollars by the end of 2000 by transforming into an e-business. Ellison then eliminated all non-e-business options from the company. This bold move was an incredible success and a brilliant IS solution to some of the companys business problems.The changes were easy and smooth to implement. An example given in the case was that of an expense report. In the past, a sales rep would fill out an expense report and manually send it to headquarters. Now the sales rep just completes the forms on the web where the report can be tracked. Not only did this compose $6 million dollars in direct savings, the reports were easier and faster to complete. This solution did not only realise employees, but customers, too. In the past if a customer wanted to demo Oracles software, a sales rep had to set an appointment to do the demo in person.Now, the sales rep can get through access to the customers browser and, over the phone, can do the demo over the browser at Oracle. com. The shift to self-service was a very necessary and profitable solution for Oracle. They began saving millions of dollars and hours of time. another(prenominal) business problem Oracle had was a lack of centralization in the business. O ne clever look they did this was by changing incentives for country managers. Country managers incentives were originally based on revenue. This was to be changed to shift their incentives to be based on margin.In the past, 97 e-mail servers existed with almost 120 databases in over 50 countries. This was dramatically reduced when Oracle gave all(prenominal) country CEO a choice. They could stimulate free e-mail through Redwood Shores or pay to service an e-mail server, which would directly preserve their margin, and ultimately, their variable pay. This was a very effective IS solution to the lack of centralization problem the business had. Oracle would continue to centralize the business by pulling human resources, legal, sales administration, and marketing out of each country office and consolidating them at Redwood Shores.Oracle now had a single system that served everything. Oracle saved a lot of wasted money by centralizing its marketing department. The products were the sa me in every country, so the centralization made sense and was absolutely necessary. By June of 2000, Oracle had gone from 63 to 17 company websites worldwide. By August 2000, the company was down to one website, Oracle. com. This solution saved the company a lot of money that was being wasted operating multiple websites for multiple countries and confusing the snitch with different languages, colors, and logos.The transformation to e-business saved Oracle a ton of money, but this wasnt the only benefit of the move. The switch also generated marketing pull. Oracles customer base grew as a number of having better information about their customers and sales outlets. The pull strategy came to fruition by two cartel factors. The story of the companys transformation combined with the new gained credibility the company received by performing this transformation so publicly.Now instead of sales reps attempting to sell the CEO of another company their software, CEOs were going directly to Oracle technology to transform their own businesses. This pull allowed Oracle to open an online store, as opposed to hiring more sales people to handle the increased demand. This latest IS solution, in turn, created more sales. In 1999, Oracle began streamlining its Oracle University, which supported 2500 full-time employees in 143 countries while enrolling about 500,000 students annually.These Oracle courses led to the certification of developers and programmers that the company needed to continue growth. This business solution was yet another gravid move designed to farm their own employees. iLearning technology was then created as a means of a continuing education extension to Oracle Universitys certification process. This software would be hosted online and could be updated chance(a) without patches. Oracle Corporation is a great example of a company who had the ability to predict the future(a) of technology and make innovations to lead the industry. They took risks, and the y paid off.Larry Ellison took a big risk when he eliminated all non-e-business elements out of his business and made the transformation to e-business, and his company was rewarded with tremendous cost savings and higher revenues. He also predicted at the end of a June 2000 press conference that the software industry would vanish and be replaced by a service industry. This remains to fully be seen, but it appears there could be truth to this. dapple computing has been the next innovation in computer technology, as we say many companies now providing work that used to require us to install software on our computers.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Hip-hop music Essay Example for Free
Hip-hop practice of medicine EssayHip-hop unison, according to Joan Morgan, is a powerful force in popular culture. However, she also criticized how hip-hop repeatedly reduced me to tits and ass and encourages pimping on the regular. Emphasis is given on how machismo and sexism prevail in the lyrics of hip-hop euphony. As is seen in various examples highlighted in Morgans article, hip-hop music taught manpower to treat wowork force without the respect and love that they deserve. They came to learn to treat wo workforce as objects to fulfill sexual desires, work them bitches and hos. It is seen in hip-hop music how women use sex as a weapon to gain corporal wealth and protection, non because they want it, solely because it is the only option they have. This only shows how women be, in modern times, mute victims of gender inequality. Over and over again, these themes have been the topic of hip-hop music, along with alcoholism, substance abuse and chemical substance depen dency. After all, hip-hop music has done much to encourage these acts unbecoming of decent plenty. However, Morgan also suggested it as a part of a more complex problem, stemming from the racism experienced by black people. whole these talks about sex and drugs and crimes ar reflections of the bitterness, the hurt that the black people sapidity, resulting to more damage. According to Morgan, crimes pull against black people, are more likely done by black people themselves. White people are long ago out of the question. Depictions of a violent and cruel world where everything bum be bought by money and sleeping with a rapper will give you a record puzzle gives them self-satisfaction and a self-liberating feeling when they play master and the women their slaves.But deep inside they do not feel real happiness as they fail to face their problems and responsibilities in reality. In the end they cross to feel empty. Take for example the music video of the song Gold Digger by K wha tevere westernmost and Jamie Foxx, which topped the charts at the time of its release and even won a couple of Grammy Awards. The video alternates with scenes of westward and Foxx singing, women wearing skimpy lingerie making poses for mens magazines, and women dancing all over the men.These depictions of women in the video did not give any love, let alone respect for women in general. They are hardly seen as objects of desire that can be bought anytime of the day. There are also some scenes in the music video wherein the men are dragged into a dark room where all the women wearing lingerie are present. They are represented as nothing more than bitches and hos only after these men for their money. As it is, these women are depicted to give sex to those who can pay, and even trick some of the richer guys into marrying them.One scene in the video even spelled out the word pre-nupt as the men supposedly wanted pre-nuptial agreements before marrying these women so that they cant touc h a cent of the mens money. Even the lyrics of the song, sung in the point of view of a rich husband, describes how his wife tricked him into marrying him by saying that shes pregnant with his son, but after eighteen years, he found out that he was not the real father of this child. straightway that he wants a divorce, half of his assets will go the cheating wife.Nevertheless, the kid in the video was vacuous and not black, a direct allusion that it is not his child. His perpetrator was white. This not only shows how lowly they retrieve of women but of how they are forced to do these things so that they can have financial and emotional security that they cannot in themselves achieve because they are prevented from doing so. Women themselves are deprived of the love and care they need as the men continually search for physical love and satisfy their egos in order to forget their own worries and problems.In a deeper context, Gold Digger tries to disguise the hurt of being fooled, of being cheated, by bragging that yes, shes a gold digger, Im rich and I can afford to vitiate any girl I want. The video did not objectify men and women. The difference in the treatment of men and women can be seen in the whole video. In a sense, the men are the customers, and the women, mere products they could buy and use at their whims. As Morgan puts it, it is not about calling women bitches or hos, but mens incapability to show love.They treat women as some kind of objects because it is the only way that they can feel powerful. This incapability to love proves Morgans point that these men are hurt. The pain has taken something very picky from them, and that is the ability to love and to care for others. The distrust for women shown in Gold Digger is there, in the first place, because these men are afraid, afraid to love and get hurt in the process. But because of this loss, women became victims of abusive treatment.One lesson that can be learned is that love per se is not s ynonymous with sex. According to Morgan, we all should learn to shout our issues and better treat each other. We should eliminate all the barricades caused by the depiction of women in hip-hop music and eliminate the confusions. As mentioned earlier, hip-hop has a big influence on popular culture. What we hear, we incorporate in our minds and way of living. We can use this influence to create hip-hop music that loves, respects, and most importantly, hip-hop music that forgives.
Changes In The Land By Cronon Review Essay Example for Free
Changes In The Land By Cronon Review EssayChanges in the Land by William Cronon offers non-finite intimate observations and gatherings regarding the ecology of freshly Eng get and the encounters between the colonists and the native americans. Cronon interprets and analyzes the dissimilar happenings in bare-ass Englands plant and wight environments that occurred with the shift from Indian to European dominance. As the distant world and inhabitants of Europe were introduced to North Americas ecosystem, the boundaries between the two were blurred. Cronon uses an arsenal of evidence to discuss the circumstances that brought upon drastic ecological consequences following European contact with New England. Cronon do use of reports and records in addition to scientific data as evidence for his arguments.Court records, township hall records, descriptions by travelers, surveyor records, etc. proved invaluable to Cronons arguments. Europeans saw the land from an economic standpoin t and tended to focalize upon merchantable commodities, ignoring economically insignificant aspects of nature. Cronon stated that the environment the Europeans first encountered in New England stunned them. archeozoic descriptions were restricted to the coastline, but the accounts all agreed on the astounding level of animal and plant life history in New England.The european settlers were not used to so much untamed land, as ornament for hunting in England was reserved to large landowners and the Crown. Heavy forests covered the New England terrain, which was likewise new to the settlers, as England had exhausted most of its timber as fuel. European settlers were struck by the absence of domesticated animals, which vie a vital role in European agriculture. The European settlers and the Indians had different values on life and had differing opinions on how they should use the land around them. According to Cronon, ManyEuropean visitors were struck by what seemed to them the p overty of Indians who lived in the midst of a landscape endowed so astonishingly withabundance The Europeans often criticized the Indian port of life. They failed to understand why the Indians willingly went hungry during the winter months when they knew food scarcity was impending. The settlers were impressed by the frequent burnings the Indians performed in the forest, which allowed for better hunting grounds and planting fields. However, the settlers criticized the division of labor between the Indian males and females.The Europeans practiced land ownership, while most Indians believed merely in territorial rights. To the Indians, people owned what they made with their own hands. Agricultural fields, gathering areas, and fishing sites could be owned, but unique patterns were formed for the hunting of different animals. The settlers were either granted their land by the crown, or they purchased it from the natives. This very act by the crown of granting land with no consideration of prior ownership demonstrates both the views of Europeans towards land-use and their disregard for the Indians claims to it. Instead of the seasonal migration that the Indians practiced, European settlers strove to modify the land.This meant a greater use of agriculture than the Indians. The use of livestock much(prenominal) as cattle, hogs, and sheep to the environment was also introduced. The Europeans destroyed large swaths of forest in order to provide space for crops and pasture. Forests were used for fences, ships masts, potash, and fuel. Deforestation killed Indian hunting grounds, forever changing their way of life. Deforestation altered microclimates, hydrology, and soil mechanics. Swamps developed in previously dry places, promoting disease in those areas. Trade had a profound affect on the area, forcing Indians to put prices on certain items for the first time.Europeans traded wampum from the Long Island Sound upinto New England in exchange for products such as furs . Indian economies were now tied to international markets, and they had an incentive to produce more than than just self-sustaining numbers of products. Technology also made hunting increasingly easier. Animal populations in New England were strained, and in several instances were overhunted. The fur trade in the north dried up by the end of the seventeenth century, and even the deer populations were diminishing. As trade goods dried up, Indians were forced to give up their only restcommodity-land. By far the most dangerous organisms that the Europeans carried to America were diseases.The first recorded epidemic in New England took place in the south in 1616. Depopulation promoted conditions of turmoil while also justifying the European seizure of Indian lands. As the Indian populations diminished, edges returned to the forest, further harming the local animal populations. Attacks by colonists and intertribal warfare concentrated Indians into denser, more permanent settlements, w hich promoted the spread of disease. Invasions by European animals required that the Indians build fences to protect their crops. Now living in permanent, fenced-in, and densely populated settlements, the Indian way of life was more similar to that of Europe than to their original way of life.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The Treatment of Premarin Mares and Foals Essay Example for Free
The Treatment of Premarin M atomic number 18s and Foals EssayYou may begin by asking what is Premarin? This is a female hormone replacement drug taken by menopausal women (women that have reached the age where their menstrual period ends) to help alleviate symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness (Pfizer). It is a vaginal estrogen medication that merchant ship be substituted by a plant-based drug rather than this horrid drug. Now you may be thinking that this may actually be a good drug. Well, in that respect is a dark placement to this drug that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and popular drug order Pfizer, doesnt want women to know about. superstar of those things is the fact that the name Premarin, actually uprises for Pregnant M atomic number 18s Urine. Women are really ingesting horses water supply. The goal of these drug companies is to gather concentrated pregnant horses water supply and put it into a pill, vaginal ring, or cream form to distribute to women, giving them hopes of feeling younger. I will explain in more detail about the drug and its personal effects, but am vent to prove that the treatment of these horses while humans attempt to collect the horses concentrated urine is completely unacceptable and 100% animal abuse and neglect.We will start at the point of ingathering the urine for this drug. There are farms called Pregnant Mares Urine (PMU) farms. If you were to visit one of these farms, you would consider a barn full of pregnant mares (horses) that are locked in 38 foot stalls, forced to stand for 11 months (a horses natural gestation period) with a urine collector hooked to them. One mare provides approximately nine women with estrogen replacement for one course. These mares are turned out at birthing time to give birth and be rebred.Seeing as the mare must be pregnant to be of use to the farms, if the mare does not rebreed within a month and a half, the mare will be put to pasture along wi th all the foals that go to the last chance shut in where they have the ability to be consumeed or they will be sent to slaughter. Approximately 9 of 10 colts (male foals) and 8 of 10 fillies (female foals) are sent to slaughter every year (Springhill). Horses that are unfortunate enough to go to slaughter, are generally used for horse meat in Europe and Nipponese areas where it is considered a delicacy.This may sound horrific enough, much like a puppy mill producing 60,000 foals per year however the really disturbing part is yet to be shared. The urine collectors that are hooked up to the mares are rarely cleaned. Now instead of it just being horses urine, its dark horses urine. And the horses urine has to be concentrated, which means these mares must be deprive of water and food, meaning their urine is deprived of any nutrient there may have been.These horses are skin and bones after only a short while, due to the lack of proper nutrition. The FDA O.K. Premarin and a few ot her names of the drug, because it does work. However, if you see at the list of 52 extreme side effects, such as vaginal bleeding, increase in blood clots, and increased chances in uterine and tit cancers, which may, in itself detour you from taking this drug (Pfizer). So, why would doctors prescribe this drug to over 9 one million million women?Most of them only know that they see results when they prescribe this drug and that it is approved through the FDA. The same as with the general public, they dont get on simple websites and do their homework about what doctors are asking them to ingest. Some of the other names Premarin goes by are Estrace, Estring, Femring, and Vagifem. Some alternatives are Prempro or Provera, which are both plant based ways to harvest estrogen, which offers far fewer serious side effects and just as much of a success rate in being effective.As you can see, Premarin is a dangerous and disgusting drug, that is a cruel and neglectful way of an attempt to m ake women in their menopausal stage feel better. This is no excuse for humans to treat horses this way, producing 60,000 foals per year, without enough people to adopt them. If you hear of a woman talking about Premarin, or menopause in general, urge them to look into the drugs their doctors want them to take, and if it happens to be Premarin, tell them the truth about these drugs and do not just let them be blinded like the doctors and Pfizer want you to be.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Dean College Essay Example for Free
Dean College look forDuring my year at Dean College, apart from putting efforts in enhancing my academic performance, I had been working as a colleague tutor in the Learning Center. The Learning Center provides materials and information to enhance students training skills, ability and their knowledge on the content of subjects. My role is to offer content assistance in the argonas of Economics, side and Mathematics, but would often cross-tutor in several other areas such as Criminal Justice, writing, and general subject skills.Experiencing the success in assisting other students and receiving good feedbacks had gained me a really joyful work experience as a couple tutor. I had a relatively different idea of being a peer tutor, since students usually went to the learning center for quick review on their essays which were due shortly. I had been working herculean in marketing strategies, whereas creating an atmosphere of a place that they can spare their time here to concent rate, a place where combine the characteristics of library and private tutors.In this place, they can concentrate on their studies, with rich resources resembling computer stations, printers and reference books. Moreover, to experience them smell out more comfortable, they wont feel like they are being tagged as doing bad on academics, since tutors no longer wear staff tags. They result feel more confidence on themselves in this way. I hark back that it is essential to create a certain sort of relationship right off the bat with the person you are tutoring. It is important to make the student feel that we are also students that are continually learning and also willing to work out ideas and point of view with them.There is a major difference between a peer tutor and a teacher. I believe that peer tutors do not judge and on screening of that, they do not give out grades It is also easier for tutors to come out and say that they do not know all the answers. Many times, a studen t can have trouble in frame but never address these questions to their teachers for many different reasons. One of them could be because they are afraid of public lecture in front of a larger group of students. Another reason could be because they might feel that their question is stupid. These reasons could inhibit a student from learning and understanding the material.I think that as a peer tutor, I am able to help these students on a one-on-one basis. I think that my experiece gained from this job is very meaningful and has helped me a lot in the way to communicate with others in a more positive and encouraging way. Helping others makes me feel more satisfied with my performance and has definitely given(p) me a lot more confidence that I can assist others even though I may have shortcomings. These students learn something from me as a peer tutor and on the other hand, I learn a lot of things from the students who have sought for my help.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Domain Name System Essay Example for Free
Domain Name System EssayFrom an IT vigilance perspective, setting up a DHCP host would really depend on the size of the company. A DNS host could be recommended in any setting for faster browsing and recognition of sites. If your intercommunicate is running the same(p) Operating systems and it uses a name resolution method other than DNS, you can continue to use that method without needing DNS. If your network is running different operating systems, or it connects to the earnings, you will want to deploy DNS as the Internet consists of protocols that require DNS. Justifying setting up either server really depends on the admin, but if you think rough it managing two computers statically is nothing compared to having to mange twenty computers statically. Having only two computers set up statically on a network will not be very time consuming having to change the setup if something on the network is replaced. Assigning client addresses automatically is by far the easiest opt ion of the two.When setting up a DHCP server and leaving room for growth on the subnet you use, can also save time when installing spick-and-span computers on the network. It would save the time of manually having to configure any new computers. Not to mention it takes commission less time configuring a DHCP server than it would to configure each computer statically. Obviously you would want to pre-allocate IP addresses for fixed hosts such as routers, servers or even printers. These you would set up on the DHCP server as reserved addresses and set them statically on the devices.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Defining Culture Essay Example for Free
Defining coating probeHow can you define nicety? What is intercultural discourse? How much does the comparable language apply by congenital and non-native speakers vary? This paper would attempt to answer. Three sources on the subject matter will be used. These atomic number 18 Jan Blommaerts How much culture is there in intercultural discourse? , Talking a Person into Interethnic annotation a Discourse Analytic Case Study by Volker Hinnenkamp and Rapport Management Theory and Culture by Helen Spencer-Oatey.In the first article, Blommaert focused on what theory or theories in the science of lingual would be most useful to obtain an accurate analysis of intercultural conversation as well as the role to the learning of linguistics plays in the study of intercultural confabulation. The compose began the article with the thesis that the study of intercultural parley will pose challenges in the science of linguistics due to two reasons.One of these reasons is that eac h communication by two parties from two incompatible cultures would have certain features that would make it unique that it would motif a specific methodology and theory to be elaborated for every communication that occurs. The second reason is that the study of intercultural communication would need the knowledge of other branches of the social sciences such as social psychology and anthropology for it to be properly analyzed (13). Two concepts were used by the author in order to answer the questions state in the article.The first is that culture is fundamental in the study of intercultural communication, and the primary cause for communication conflicts that whitethorn rise in intercultural communication. The author coined this as the culture collide perspective. This is because when two parties belong to different culture concourses meet, their cultures also come across and eventually collide with each other. One example provided by the author to support this is the conflict present in politics.The author considered this perspective as a crude cuddle in understanding intercultural communication since this concept follows that intercultural communication only occurs when conflict is present in the execute and in order for the communication to be successful the culture of any unmatchable of the parties involved would need to be managed. The concept is also seen by the author as ethnocentric in nature in that it assumes that one culture in the intercultural communication transition is more than superior to the other.Furthermore, it fails to take into consideration the detail that one or both parties involved will try to adjust to the stance prevent intercultural communication conflicts (Blommaert, 14, 17-20). The second concept analyzed in the article is that culture is incorporated into the communication process, depending on the mass surrounding the parties involved and represented clearly and without reservation during the process. This makes c ulture as not only a vital component to the identity of the parties involved, but the situation surrounding the communication in general (Blommaert, 21-22). ground on the information obtained, Blommaert concluded that the non-objective approach is the most appropriate linguistic method to be used in the analysis for intercultural communication. Furthermore, the study of linguistics in intercultural communication should be able to represent a collaborative accord between parties from different cultures (30). The second article is a case study an intercultural communication scenario between a Turk and a German.The case study aimed to show how communication problems arise when two parties spread abroad using a language which the native to one party and foreign to some(prenominal) other as a result of on how the experiences of each party affect how they interpret the message being sent (Hinnenkamp, 91). correspond to Hinnenkamp, the culture of an man-to-man affects various aspects of the communication process such as the degree of interaction permitted, how practically will an individual will allow the other to respond, what topics to discuss, how direct he or she can be in addressing or questioning the other party, and their obligations in reference to their status.Should any of these aspects are not met one or both parties would attempt to repair the communication by neutralizing and restoring the normative order as set(p) by culture who considers the language being used as its native language. This is most exemplified in intercultural communication when an individual speaks in a language that is not native to him or her where the individual tries various methods standardised mimicking in order to make himself or herself understood (106, 108).The third article focused more on the reactions of the receiver of the message in a communication process. The article aimed to identify factors that affect the judgment of an individual involved interpersonal commun ication (Spencer-Oatey, 336-337). Spencer-Oatey defined culture as an indistinct collection of attitudes, beliefs, assumptions and values share by a group of people which influence an individuals behavior and how the individual views anothers behavior which has a major impact in scenarios where intercultural issues are present (338-339).Contrary to Blommaerts statement, the author believes that culture is not always manifested depending on the situation when intercultural communication is present. She stated that on some occasions, certain very deep-seeded cultural traits will manifest itself in the intercultural communication process regardless if the situation makes it conducive or not (340). This is because individuals have the freedom to choose whether to uphold, modify or abandon his or her cultural practices when communication.Culture, then is not manifested in a single encounter. Rather, it becomes only apparent when patterns in communicating develop (342). She did, however , agree that what goes on in an intercultural communication cannot be accurately predicted (345). In the article, John Gumperz condition the variation that occurs in intercultural communication between a native and non-native speaker are the different conventions of communication, different speech styles, narrative patterns, in short, the deployment of different communicative repertoires (qtd.in Spencer-Oatey, 343). The author concluded the article stating that more research is needed in order to fully understand intercultural communication. Unlike Blommaert who recommended that further research must concentrate in being able to gain an agreement between parties in the communication process to occur (30), Spencer-Oatey stated that in order to understand the process, the research should be continuous since intercultural communication occurs in relationships that have spanned for a long period of time (346).To summarize, intercultural communication refers to the interaction between two parties belonging to two different cultures where the culture of each party is manifested in the communication process depending on the aloofness of time the interaction has been taking place and the situation surrounding the communication activity.Culture was defined in the texts as a vague group of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral principles, assumptions and values shared by a group of individuals that influence their conduct as well as how they interpret the behavior another. Finally, certain variations occur in intercultural communication between a native to the language being used and a non-native using the same language in order to be understood by the other. These variations include mimicking, speech styles and narrative patterns. whole kit and caboodle Cited
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The Chrysalids by John Windham Essay Example for Free
The Chrysalids by John Windham EssayBy the time David is sixteen, he has undergone a study change in thinking. Not further is he much sure of his views towards Waknuk companionship and its beliefs, he is more self aware of the dangers of being found out. He has matured greatly his views are non influenced by his teachings, he has his own opinions.The first time Davids first small doubts started to emerge was after he met Sophie. Upon meet her, she had seemed absolutely normal even upon seeing her foot, his rote learned teachings did not come to mind he simply felt sorry for Sophie. Upon being confronted by Sophies mother, about the importance of keeping her orphic to himself, he does not truly understand the reason of the emphasis being put on keeping the inscrutable. It is only after he sets off for home that he realizes that Sophie does not conform to the true image, and is therefore classified advertisement as deviant. David does not understand why a small toe shoul d make a difference, and so continues his friendship with her.They are very close he picks a fight with the stronger Alan Ervin for her, and only gives away her reclusive after a huge beating. For him, it is not the beating that causes him so much pain, than the pain of self-contempt, of having given her secret away. He even tells the inspector a bit of what he thinks about Sophie being a mutant.though David is not seen thinking about her later in life, his brief friendship with her has a huge pertain on him. His conversation with the inspector is the first time his views have differed from those that he has been taught. Till the very end, he refuses to accept that Sophie is the work of the devil. He also begins to realize the danger that he might be in if found out. If she could be treated the way she was, so could he. Therefore, indirectly and directly, Sophie plays a huge part in helping Davids views evolve and change.Another character who greatly helps shape Davids views is Un cle Axel. He is Davids best friend and confidante and David looks up to him like a father figure trusting him greatly and even telling him about his telepathy, something he had not told even Sophie. It is therefore not surprising that Uncle Axels views greatly rub off on David.Uncle Axel is unalike from other people his views on the tribulation and the old people have been influenced by his travels as a sailor. He believes that if the old people were so great, why would God punish them by Tribulation? Therefore, should Waknuk society even try to be like them? It is his opinion that what makes a man a man is not his physical attributes, for everyone has different ideas on the True Image(as Repentances was written after Tribulation). What makes a man a man, is his mind. It separates and elevates him from the train of a beast, thus, as David has a new quality of mind, he might actually be close at hand(predicate) to the true image than most people.As David listens to these views, he agrees with most of them, as firstly they answer a lot of his questions, after the Sophie incident.Indirectly or directly, Uncle Axel creates a lot of self sentiency in David awareness of the dangers of being found out. He warns David many a time, and by murdering Ervin he impresses upon David the importance of keeping the secret hidden. This, too, influenced Davids thinking as it helped him separate himself from the other people, as well as recognize that societys views are really different from the truth.
Media coverage Essay Example for Free
Media coverage EssayOther main(prenominal) causal reasons that shows the connection mingled with media and the self-destruction rate was the discussion account about the incident. Studies suggest that imitational felo-de-se occur when citizenry argon contacted with self-destruction event and this can be through the media coverage (Baume et al. , 1997). The tell apart suggest that media reporting on felo-de-ses influences large number to engage in the same manner while to about mint, felo-de-se can be an alternative way of solving problems (Baume et al. , 1997). This phenomenon can be explained with social erudition theory as described previously. News about early(a) peoples self-destruction cases talent affect other peoples feelings especially to those people whom considered suicide and these people might in reality practice suicide. Although there were differences in essences through gender or ages, various studies proves that there was true relationship i n news reports of suicide and authentic suicides and this relationship leads to maturation the actual suicide (Pirkis Blood, 2001). This was unitary of the examples of Werther effect conducted by media which tends people to relegate suicide.When people watch news reporting about other peoples suicides, the idea of suicide may unconsciously affect the mind and their problems may incite those ideas and these people may actually suicide. Moreover, the reporting of suicide to the public increases the suicide rate especially in celebrities cases, in which people becomes copycat. In his study in 2000, Stack found that celebrities suicide cases can ca-ca 14. 3 ms more than copycat suicides than approach pattern suicide cases, but in his study in 2005, he kindd the percentage to 5. 27 times (Stack, 2000 2005).Although there were changes in percentage, these evidence shows that people argon more likely to copy the suicide behavior of celebrities death. For example, after the suic ide of Kurt Cobain, the famous rock star, there was increase in suicide crisis calls in the Seattle crisis clinic (David et al. , 1996). Also, there were other incidents that were similar to G case, which be a nonher cases of a celebrities suicidal incident, but in these cases, an organization called EXIT(Society for Humane Dying), assists these people with their suicide.After publication of the fame (G)s death and the suggestions that EXIT might be involved with this incident, more people got financial aid from EXIT to rehearse suicide (Frei et al. , 2003). News report on Celebrities suicide was even more dangerous than reporting normal peoples suicide. Celebrity suicide can be a risk factor in a way of suicidal ideation and this can be effective to people in both skilful after the celebrities suicide and also in long term (Fu Yip, 2007). spate, who have suicidal ideation, meaning idea about suicide or actually planning to commit suicide, may be affected by the way celebrit ies commit suicide and may follow the same steps. In the celebrities suicide cases, people are emotionally more attached beca work they tend to know more the true identity of that particular celebrity imputable to the studys released through magazines and news compared to the informations given while the celebrity was solace alive. in that locationfore, with emotional despair to celebrities suicide and effect of it to suicidal ideation, people would want to commit suicide in same ways as those celebrities did.Apart from the news reporting about the suicides, there are cyber suicides in which people get informations from, like the sacksite, and actually committed suicide. Internet, unity of the some recent and developed sources of media, were used to increase the suicides, especially to teenager cases. The term cyber suicides shows new aspects of suicides in the juvenility generations. As the internet develops, there are various websites created on the cyber world. There exist more than 100,000 websites on the internet which are about methods of committing suicide (Alao et al. , 2006).People search for information on the web and the suicide websites can easily pop up by simply typing in the word suicide to the search engine. Suicide covers enormous range of internet resources and a simple search of the word suicide reveals thousands of matches (Baume et al. , 1997). These suicide websites contain detailed information such as nones, various ways to commit suicide, and time and pain description to those suicides (Alao et al. , 2006). One of the major death reasons among the teenagers was suicide, and teenager spends more time on the web and the internet gives them the information about suicide (Becker Schmidt, 2004).Young people, including teenagers, are more likely to commit suicide, influenced by internet, and probable explanation to this may be due to their vulnerable personalities and risk-taking behaviors (Alao et al. , 2006). Especially, the sensit ive nature of naive teenagers becomes unprotected from all cruel information from internet suicide resources and they tend to follow the acquired information. Many actual cases were report about how people commit suicide with tips from suicide websites (Alao et al. , 1999).These cases were yet to be determined whether or not those victims were affected by these websites since the victims were fortunately failed to commit suicide, but still there are unknown actual victims of this website who ended their lives. On the internet, there are other means acquired than suicide websites. People also use chat rooms and newsgroup mailing system to discuss about suicides (Baume et al. , 1997). Discussing about suicide issues involving how to suicide is not a forbidden topic on chat rooms and people are actively talk about these topics.Also, the newsgroup mailing system gives recent updates to the suicide issues. Some people write postings on suicide site about when they are going to commit su icide in front they actually do it and there was no prevention to this (Baume et al. , 1997). The internet can affect suicidal behaviors more directly than newspapers or news reporting (Baume et al. , 1997). All of these are happening because internet is a special space, in which interaction between people were different from the real world.With this specialty, people care less about how other people are claiming that they are going to kill themselves. It is also difficult for suicidologists to solve these cyber suicide problems because of the characteristics the internet have (anonymity and world-wideness) and it is complicated to reach out the potential victims for therapeutic interaction (Baume et al. , 1997). There might be some steadying suicide website, which persuade people who enter the site not to commit the crime and provide them help resources and ideas of the possible effects if they actually commit suicides.However, there are still many website that even encourages a group of suicidal people who wanted to commit suicide but had not made up their minds yet which then attracted to these ideas and actually commit the suicides. Furthermore, there are publications about how to commit suicide and this view as can bring the ideas or suggestions about suicide. These go fors are actually used by the people who commit the suicide and this can be proved by the fact that books about suicides are often rigid near the dead people who committed suicides (Lester Schaller, 2000).Some people might buy the suicide books adept for fun, but having this type of book in the house may suggest the idea of suicide unconsciously. People may did not have the idea of committing suicide at first, but after reading this book or just have it in the house can pull the trigger whenever they feel a little bit depressed or encounters problems. Some countries ban this type of book, but other countries still allow the publication of this book based on the reasoning that if thi s book was banned, people might undertake for it more (Lester Schaller, 2000).However, unlike the purpose of allowing this book, the actually suicide cases show that there is some effect from this book. There were evidences found that shows direct relationship of the suicide book and the actual suicide rate. When the suicide book, Final hap (a guide for committing suicide by asphyxjectiation), was published, suicide by the recommended method increased 313% in New York city (Stack, 2005). Moreover, in 27. 3% of the suicide cases, a copy of this book was found near the scene of the suicide (Stack, 2005). This demonstrates how a copy of a book can affect peoples mental behaviors.As reviewing the mentioned cases, it can be concluded that the media, the internet, and books contributes percentage to the peoples suicidal rate. To prevent this from happening, there should be regulations that will restrict the media and treat the suicide issues in a manner where their reporting will not provide ideas nor will it triggers the lets do that attitude to the people. There are different media guidelines for reporting suicides to prevent irresponsible reporting of suicide (Pirkis et al. , 2006). According to these guidelines, media should not report the suicide as sensational event (Pirkis et al. , 2006).Although these guidelines have similarities, they have developed differently and there need to be evaluations to the guidelines (Pirkis et al. , 2006). For example, in Cobain case, due to high professionalism and responsibility in media, there were only a few copycat suicides (Jobes et al. , 1996). There should be expansion to these guidelines and these guidelines should be spread to all news media and news directors should seriously consider about this before publishing the news. Cobains suicide might be a tragic event, but through this, the media might learn the importance of the media coverage on the suicides (Jobes et al., 1996). The suicide prevention organizations can work on to change the news reporting on suicide and thus, make the media contribute to reduce the suicide (Stack, 2003). Also, the suicide website and suicide books should be banned to prevent the idea or suggestion of committing suicides. The suicides can be prevented easily if the people around that particular person pay more attention. Especially to those people who published suicide information in the internet, these people truly needs to think about their responsibilities to other peoples lives and the effect they might contribute by simply postings their works.Also, there are many organizations that help preventing people to commit suicides and the people with the suicidal attitudes must contact these organizations. Suicide considers being an extreme way to end ones life, one should always keep in mind that there are millions of reasons why people must keep on living despite the many obstacles they faces. Problems come and go no people in the world who dont have a problem. Problems are the cycle of life, the meaning of life, the reasons behind(predicate) the success and the happiness, the reasons why people learn and evolved. Problems should not be the reason for ending life.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Explain the new Features of the New Deal Essay Example for Free
Explain the new Features of the reinvigorated down EssayIn October 1929 the Wall course stock market crashed in New York and panic selling of shares caused a wave of bankruptcies, destroying all reliance in businesses and investors. The great Depression led to 13 million people being unemployed. President Hooer, the politics did nothing at all to help the Americans, he didnt even think of helping them reconstruct the American economy. In 1932 president Roosevelt came into power in the presidential elections. He had many concerns and considerations for the Americans and the economy. The first map of the act of the New Deal to put the US back to work and create jobs in 1933 he introduced the first good turns during the hundred days, which involved the creation of Alphabet Agencies to deal with the economic problems. By 1935, the Supreme romance thought some of the New Deal laws as interfering too much. , so then Roosevelts repartee was to introduce the second stage of ref orm- The second New Deal.The 3 aims of the New Deal were Relief recovery and Reform. Which were introduced by Roosevelt- the three Rs. Relief was measures to help relieve the suffering of the unemployed. recuperation was to attack to rebuild the depression-shattered economy and Reform was aimed to give workers better running(a) conditions and fairer wages.The aim of the relief was achieved by the noncombatant Conservation Corps (CCC) Federal Emergency Relief nerve (FERA) familiar works Administration (PWA) hearthstone owners Loans Corporation (HOLC) and the works come up Administration (WPA). The Civilian Conservation Act was set up to let work for unemployed men under 25 years by encouraging them to work on projects in the countryside such as fish farming, planting trees and strengthening river banks. They also organised the army. The PWA stood for Public working Administration, their aim was to use Unemployed unskilled workers to work on a large scale of universal cons truction such as roads and bridges. The main part of the act was to set up public construction for the large scale building work, to build schools, hospitals and city halls.The FERA was set up to obstruct the flagellum of starvation that existed by making grants to local and state governments to help them give relief to the unemployed. Roosevelt thought that the salutary way to help the unemployed was to put them back to work after the threat of starvation was over instead of just giving them money.The HOLC stood for Home Owners Loans Corporation, the aim of this act was to ensure that people could continue to repay their mortgages. The government gave low interest rates to home owners to allow them to continue paying their mortgages until they were unemployed. The WPA stood for Works Progress Administration. Their aim was to find emergency short-term employment for unskilled workers in construction projects.The Acts that were part of the New Deal and helped with Recovery were T he Emergency Banking Act the Securities Act the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) the National Recovery Administration (NRA) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The Emergency Banking Act aimed to solve the financial crisis after the Wall driveway Crash by forcing all banks to remain close for 4 days. This actually worked and saved all the banks. The Securities Act was about providing full information about the companies issuing new shares, to the public. This established with a Securities and Exchange commitment in 1934 which was giving powers to control the activities of the stock market. It was the AAAs duty to solve agricultures most serious problem which was over-production.Prices were low and farmers were unable to make a decent living. Roosevelt paid farmers to stop producing. The AAA gave the government power to destroy surplus food and give farmers compensation. The NRA stood for National Recovery Administration they tried to create partnership between gov ernment and Industry to get rid of Child Labour, huge hours and Low pay. Each industry would agree an employment code with a government. The code was to guarantee workers fairer working conditions and wages. The TVA stood for Tennessee Valley Authority. The main parts of the act was to help encourage industry come to the hard trip up valley and to build damn to use hydroelectric power of the river.Finally, there were parts of the New Deal that helped to reform the USA. They were Collecting Bargaining the Wagner Act and the social securities Act. Collective negociate was where workers had the right to collective bargaining of wages. This gave an enormous boost to the trade unions.The Wagner act (1935) was the given right for workers to join the trade union which restored guard for the workers also. The societal Securities Act was introduced in 1935. This provided old age pensions, unemployment benefits and financial support for the handicapped. It was funded by contributions pai d by workers, employers and the government.In Conclusion, when Roosevelt came into power he aimed to achieve relief, recovery and reform. The CCC, FERA, WPA and the HOLC. The emergency banking act, the Securities Act, NRA, AAA and the WPA achieved recovery. Collective Bargaining, Wagner Act and the Social Securities Act achieved reform. These Acts were all produced to help America by these 3 aims.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Salad Bar Financial Plan And Objectives Marketing Essay
Salad Bar pecuniary Plan And Objectives selling EssayThe salad bar financial model will be based on the business concept of managing for the best, and curriculumning for the worst. The projections of the first year will anticipate for a sales garishness below average, salad cost above average, and seat turn below average. This will help us hold in adequate financial planning to cater for a ramp-up period that is reasonable, success of the business, and ensure that the business is not under-capitalized (McKeever 2008).Financial Pro FormaBesides the $70,000 of owner investment and $90,000 grant monies, The Salad Bar is seeking $150,000 in loans that be long-term and $100,000 in renovation investments, kitchen equipment, furniture catering license, legal fees, working capital, , food restaurant supplies, power and marketing.investment funds OpportunitiesThe Salad Bar Investment Program assigns equity position of 30% for a $100,000 total in investor capital.Investment Opportuni tyTotal Investor Grant Opportunity$100,000Minimum Amount of Investment$5,000Investment bourn2-4 YearsMaximum Total Equity Offering10%Starting Year 2 silver gray Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $15,000 $49,00010%Gold Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $50,000 $99,00011%Platinum Projected Annual IRR on Investment of $100,000 or more12% + ResidualsOur financial plan is based on the assumptions that at that place will be a slow-growth economy that will be recovering from an economic decline. It also assumes that the business will experience a modest growth in the future. The Salad Bar business intends to increase profit margins per day. The businesses ends at reducing the variable operation cost as well as achieve a double growth rate annually.The Salad Bar marketing outline will be aimed at developing visibility among the members of the community. This strategy will be achieved through a organizeed advertising campaign. at that place will be advertisements placed in v arious newsletters. Its hoped that the advertisements will yield a reasonable inwardness of product enquiries since they are beleaguered toward the tar cleave population that uses Salad Bar products/ helpers (Young 2007).The Salad Bar selling ObjectivesSalad Bar aims at reducing market costs as a sales percentage. The business intends to conserve steady and positive growth every month. In addition, Salad Bar plans to experience new guests increase and thence start out them as long-term customers.Marketing StrategyThe Salad Bar marketing strategy will be aimed at developing visibility among the members of the community. This strategy will be achieved through a targeted advertising campaign. There will be advertisements placed in various newsletters. Its hoped that the advertisements will yield a reasonable amount of product enquiries since they are beleaguered toward the target population that uses Salad Bar products/services (Abrams Kleiner 2003).Target marketingThe Salad Bar s target population includes the middle class clients and the upper-class clients. The middle-class population has minimal disposable income. It recognizes that its expensive to get salad from a salad bar but its prepared to incur expenses though they will attempt to minimize them. On the other hand, the upper-class clients are characterized by high income level and its willing to have salad from a bar. This strategy will require a different menu for the two groups since the upper-class salad menu will be cost prohibitive for the middle class population (McKeever 2008).PositioningThe Salad Bar will position itself as a high quality, innovative salad business. The members of the society will recognize the high quality and unique service/product offerings of The Salad Bar. The Salad Bar competitive edge will be founded inits customer inventive and customer approach to members of the society. The Salad Bar customer attention will make it different from other salad bars that have a lot of demand. The disadvantage of having a high demand is that the business experiences a decreased ram to accommodate extra clients. When The Salad Bar will start having plenty of customers, we will modify our business plan in order to handle them effectively McKeever (2008). The Salad Bar will approach the market as if there is considerable competition between the different product providers. We aim at making customer comfort our priority, and through this, local clients will come to be pleased about the attention given to their claim and establish long-term relationships with The Salad Bar. The main objective is to position The Salad Bar as the premier Salad business within the area, authorizing a market share majority in four years. The marketing strategy will aim first at creating customer awareness concerning its products, build up a customer base, and focus on building customer referrals and loyalty (Young 2007)Marketing MixThe Salad Bar marketing mix will be of pricing, di stribution, advertising and advance approaches. The pricing scheme of the business is based on per person or per bankroll charge. The Salad Bar aims at making product deliveries for customer far from the shop. On the other Hand, advertising and promotion will be done through television and radio adverts as well as brochures (Young 2007).Marketing ResearchSeveral focus groups were established and held during the initial marketing plan development phase so as to gain insight into a number of potential customers. The groups provided useful insight into potential customers finis making. Additional dynamic market research source is a feedback system based on a proposal card system. The proposal card will have numerous statements that clients are asked to rate as per a given scale. There will be numerous open ended questions that will modify a client to offer constructive criticism freely. The Salad Bar will focus on implementing suggestions that are reasonable so as to improve its pr oduct offerings as well as demonstrate its commitment to customer suggestions (Abrams Kleiner 2003).
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